New Mind PA

Most Common Depression Medication

Treatment for depression typically includes both medication and therapy. When you understand the features and potential drawbacks of the many depression medications that are available, you will be best prepared to work with your treatment provider to find the med that’s right for you. To learn more about mental health recovery options in Philadelphia, call […]

High Functioning Depression Symptoms

High functioning depression, also known as dysthymia or persistent depressive disorder (PDD), is a form of depression that can be difficult to identify. Unlike major depression, which can be debilitating, high functioning depression allows individuals to maintain their daily responsibilities while struggling with persistent feelings of sadness and low energy. Understanding the high functioning depression […]

Types of Depression: Signs and Symptoms

Gaining insight into the different types of depression is essential for seeking the right treatment and support. Depression is a multifaceted mental health condition impacting millions globally, manifesting in various forms with distinct signs and symptoms. This article delves into the most prevalent types of depression, highlighting their signs and symptoms to offer a thorough […]

Philadelphia Mental Health Statistics

Understanding the mental health landscape in any city is crucial for identifying needs, allocating resources, and developing effective treatment strategies. For Philadelphia, a city rich in history and cultural diversity, the mental health statistics provide a stark reminder of the ongoing challenges faced by its residents. At New Mind Philadelphia, we offer hope and healing […]