New Mind PA

Individual Therapy in Philadelphia

Begin Mental Health Treatment in Philadelphia Today

We believe that recovery from mental illness is not only attainable, but sustainable.

A person can feel successful in their life but still have nagging issues that speak to them in the background. Others may find they can barely function because of the limits that things like depression or an anxiety disorder have put on their lives. In both cases, the individuals can make progress and feel better by participating in individual therapy.

New Mind Philadelphia offers therapy that allows people to put to rest issues from the past while working on any current challenges. Our Philadelphia mental health counseling provides a safe space for opening up about a person’s life and finding ways to improve their mental health.

What is Mental Health Counseling?

Approximately one out of five people in the U.S. have a mental health disorder. Sadly, only about half reach out and get treatment for them. Mental health counselors provide therapy for those who need assistance improving their moods, thoughts, or behaviors. The counselors are licensed and provide individual, couples, and group therapy. 

Mental health counseling can take place in a private office, an office with several counselors, schools, community meetings, prisons, and more. The goal is to help identify past and current issues that limit them and cause their mental health disorder or contribute to their symptoms. Those attending learn healthy coping skills and how to problem-solve once therapy concludes.

What is Individual Therapy?

Individual therapy takes place between a therapist and one person. They meet in a private office and discuss topics that cause strain or stress in the person’s life. Trust and a bond are built that allow the individual to speak freely about their issues.

They also discuss their mental health disorder, such as depression, PTSD, or bipolar disorder, and target ways to help the person minimize their symptoms. Our Philadelphia mental health counseling brings out the inner strength in a person and teaches them to learn how to manage the challenges in their lives. With our help, positive changes can be made that allow for a more meaningful and active life.

client in a mental health counseling session in Philadelphia

How Do I Know I Need Mental Health Counseling?

It can prove difficult to make the call that a person needs to see a counselor. Asking a mental health expert to provide an assessment can help determine a specific diagnosis and help design a plan to treat it. Basically, if you find that psychological symptoms such as anxiety, mood swings, depression, or hallucinations are a part of your life, you may need to speak to a therapist.

In addition, mysterious physical ailments like headaches, nausea, and gastrointestinal distress can be a sign of poor mental health.

Types of Individual Therapy We Offer

At our Philadelphia mental health counseling center, we offer several types of therapy to meet different needs. The therapies we offer include:

When we first meet with someone, we perform a thorough assessment to determine which types of therapy will best serve their needs. A person might engage in just individual therapy or they might participate in two or more modalities. 

Our Mental Health Programs Offering Mental Health Counseling

Our Philadelphia mental health counseling takes place on an outpatient basis. This means the person does not need to move into a residential facility. Instead, they travel to our facility for their therapy appointments and then return home.

We offer the following levels of programs:

  • Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP): Our highest level of care works well for people who have graduated from a residential program or need to spend several hours per day receiving supervised treatment. PHP meets Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
  • Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP): Our middle level of care meets for a few hours per day. Participation in IOP usually lasts from eight to twelve weeks.
  • Outpatient Program (OP): The lowest level of care requires attending only one or two therapy sessions per week. This is the last level before the individual graduates from therapy.

What is an Individual Therapy Session Like?

The tone of an individual therapy session can vary, depending on the therapist, the client, and the issues being addressed. Sessions usually last upwards of an hour. At the beginning of a Philadelphia mental health counseling session, the therapist may ask the individual what they’d like to talk about or ask follow-up questions related to their last session.

As well, the person can bring up the topic they want to discuss. Some sessions are mostly give-and-take conversations, while others may be mostly the client speaking. Once a bond is built, the two should be able to converse easily each week. 

individual psychotherapy in Philadelphia

How Often Do I See My Therapist?

Most people meet with their therapist once a week. This allows them time to talk about the events of the previous week and any additional topics they want to discuss. The individual then has a week to process the session and prepare for the next one.

Find Philadelphia Mental Health Counseling

Are you ready to get into therapy but aren’t sure where to find someone who will meet your specific needs? New Mind Philadelphia understands that choosing a therapist can feel intimidating. Our Philadelphia mental health counseling is provided by skilled and experienced therapists who understand that compassion and patience go a long way in making someone feel comfortable. We also offer prescription medications to help ease the symptoms of mental health disorders.

Contact us now and let’s talk about what individual therapy can add to your life. Our friendly admissions staff is ready to talk to you today.